Detailed Job Description:
•EJB containers/specification especially with Stateless Enterprise Java Beans and a layered functionality dissemination like (or equivalent) Action / Façade / Service Bean / DAO layers
•Spring frameworks, especially with Spring Security (like being able to add SSO with Azure AD, quick)
•Any of the following UI (Client, Presentation layer) frameworks (or equivalent) such: Ext.JS, Struts 2 •tJPA 1.0/2.0, Hibernate, SQL applicable into maintaining the existing DB schema and creating new updates that represent and support the new functionalities while keeping the DB and APP constraints in sync and following the market best practices
•DB servers like MySQL (or equivalent) with as much as possible DBA exposure
•Automatic unit testing using frameworks like: JUnit, DBUnit, PowerMock/EasyMock/JMockit/Mockito•
Application servers like JBoss/Wildfly, being able to run solution upgrades between JBoss/Wildfly versions.
•Any templating language like JSP, Velocity, Freemarker•REST APIs from the design and implementation (JAX %E2%80%93 RS / RestEasy / Swagger) to the consumer (SoapUI, Postman, Swagger)
•XML processing APIs like JAX %E2%80%93 P (XSL / XPath), JAX%E2%80%93B (SAX / DOM)
•Web Services following JAX%E2%80%93WS / SOAP specs
•Job Schedulers that can integrate into/with an EJB container like: Quartz
•building tools such as Maven (or equivalent) in a multimodule project context
•CI/DI processes and tools like: Gerrit, Git, Jenkins, Tuleap/Jira (ALM), Docker
· Billing Rate: 800 SEK per hour
Stack And Co Software Recruiters
B3 Consulting Poland